Throughout the months of April and May, the communications team has been repackaging complex, lengthy projects from various departments, down to easily digestible, concise, attention-grabbing, conversation-starting materials for social media and marketing purposes. At the same time, we have executed multiple innovative campaigns, while still driving NWAC’s advocacy efforts for Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirit, Transgender, and Gender-Diverse+ (WG2STGD+) Peoples’ rights, equality, and inclusion.

NWAC’s communications efforts over the past couple of months have helped to raise awareness of mental health and addictions, inclusion, and equality, and to call upon the government to rectify wrongdoings and end the genocide against Indigenous WG2STGD+ Peoples.
On May 15, we published our latest edition of Kci-Niwesq, which gave the perspective of Indigenous Peoples living with disabilities. This special edition, which was published during Indigenous Disabilities Awareness Week, also explored how colonization has had a detrimental impact on Indigenous WG2STGD+ Peoples living with disabilities.