Press Release

A Statement from NWAC President Carol McBride

Red Dress Day 2023: Remember, Reflect, Demand Action

May 5 is National Day of Awareness and Action for MMIWG2S+ People. Join us for justice.

Join the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) in calling for action on May 5, Red Dress Day! Wear a red dress, or hang a red dress in a tree or display in a window to remember and honour all those Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirit, Transgender, and Gender-Diverse+ (WG2STGD+) People who have gone missing or been murdered across the country.

How many more will we continue to mourn?

Red dresses are used to call the spirits of missing and murdered women and girls back to their loved ones. Let’s think of our stolen sisters and their families. Let’s take this opportunity to push for meaningful implementation of the Calls for Justice of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG),” said Carol McBride, NWAC President.

NWAC is calling for positive representation of Indigenous WG2STGD+ People within law enforcement and the justice, health care, and education systems.

More than just a day that symbolizes remembrance, Red Dress Day is a day of solidarity, a call for justice, a flame of hope for those who still stand. It’s for all the families who have lost loved ones. In lockstep with the families who mourn, NWAC demands action that matches the gravity of this ongoing genocide. Justice now for missing and murdered Indigenous WG2STGD+ People!

Let’s come together to end this cycle of violence—a consequence of colonialism and systemic racism within our society.

Walk with us toward true reconciliation. Together, let’s stand for change.

The Press and public are invited to attend [DATE, TIME, LOCATION OF WALK OR MEDIA SCRUM].

#RedDressDay2023 #RedDressDay #NoMoreStolenSisters #nationaldayofawarenessandaction #NWAC

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