October 3, 2022
OTTAWA – A statement from NWAC President, Carol McBride, on the day of the annual Sisters in Spirit vigils:
“Today we stand with all of those people across Turtle Island who have lost mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunties to this incomprehensible violence that a National Inquiry has determined to be a genocide. Today we embrace our Sisters in Spirit.
This is a day of sadness and also solidarity. Today, at vigils all across Canada, we will reflect on the women, girls, and gender-diverse people who we still love with all our hearts but who will never again walk through our doors, or call us for that weekly chat, or laugh with us from across the kitchen table.
The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered has issued 231 Calls for Justice aimed at ending these deaths and disappearances. I pledge to you now, as the President of the Native Women’s Association of Canada, that I will not rest until all of those Calls have been fulfilled. I will not stop demanding action to end this violence until every Indigenous woman, girl, and gender-diverse person can walk, without fear, down any street in these lands.
Today we reach out to the families who are suffering. We are holding you in our thoughts and our prayers and, where we can, we are holding you physically and saying you do not walk alone. We are by your side, holding you up as you grieve for the ones you have lost. And we call on the spirits of those who have been taken to be at peace, and embrace the love of those who still miss you each and every day.”
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