Press Release

NWAC Welcomes New Alberta PTMA: Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women

(Ottawa, ON): The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is pleased to announce and welcome a new Provincial Territorial Member Association (PTMA) representing Alberta, the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women (IAAW). This is an important step for NWAC to bring the voices of Indigenous women in Alberta to the national level.

“This membership will not only strengthen NWAC and IAAW, but will strengthen the voices of the Indigenous women and girls we collectively represent, as well as our advocacy efforts. It is through our PTMAs that we bring the voices of grassroots women to the national level. This new partnership with IAAW offers an opportunity to be the national voice for Indigenous women living in Alberta,” says Lorraine Whitman, NWAC President.

The 25-year-old IAAW is the largest Indigenous women’s group in Alberta, and values the work it does provincially with community, business, educational, and government partners.

As the newest PTMA of NWAC, IAAW is excited at the opportunities this ‘partnership’ presents, such as capacity- building and outreach in Alberta—and to having a presence at the NWAC decision-making table.

“Our organization cherishes the value of partnerships. Partnering with NWAC will help us build capacity in a number of areas, including financial literacy, youth leadership development, poverty reduction, and employment training,” says Interim President Lisa Weber. “As a PTMA board member of NWAC, we will be actively participating in the national conversation on topics that impact Indigenous women and advocating for Indigenous-based solutions,” adds Ms. Weber.

NWAC is a national Indigenous organization representing the political voice of Indigenous women, girls, and gender-diverse people in Canada. NWAC was founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural, and political well-being of Indigenous women within their respective communities and Canada societies.


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