Press Release

Artwork Call-Out

Help us showcase your creation!

Indigenous art takes many forms. Whether it’s artwork, jewellery, a craft, an item that can be used as a gift, something for the home or a piece of clothing, if it’s been handcrafted by an Indigenous woman or gender-diverse person in Canada, NWAC wants to see your work of art. We’re looking for Indigenous art created by First Nations, Métis and Inuit women and gender-diverse artists for our new office, the Social and Cultural Innovation Centre. We are also looking for unique, one-of-a-kind creations to sell through our online store..

Here’s how to apply to have your art considered:

  1. Submit a photo or photos to by midnight, October 1, 2020.
  2. With the photo(s), please provide the following:
  • your name
  • title of your piece
  • the story behind your piece (for example, what it represents)
  • the medium used ((e.g., oil or watercolour if a painting, etc.)
  • the dimensions of the piece
  • price

All artwork will be considered. Those pieces chosen will be contacted.

Media Contact:

For information, or to arrange an interview, contact:

Pour obtenir plus d’information ou prendre des dispositions pour une interview, contacter: