Press Release

NWAC Urges Government of Canada to Choose Action Over Further Consultation on Sex-Based Discrimination in the Indian Act.

June 13, 2019

(Ottawa, ON) – Following the Government of Canada’s tabling yesterday of the Report to Parliament on the Collaborative Process on Indian Registration, Band Membership and First Nations Citizenship, Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) CEO Lynne Groulx called upon Minister of Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Carolyn Bennett to eliminate all sex-based discrimination and inequity under the registration provisions of the Indian Act.

The Report tabled yesterday in Parliament summarizes Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada’s consultations —mandated under Bill S-3— concerning the discrimination and inequity under the registration provisions of the Indian Act. The year-long consultations identified a number of other inequities in the Indian Act that need to be addressed, in particular how the different categories under the Act and the second generation cut-off are impacting families and communities. The Government offered additional funding and resources so that First Nations could further engage with their members.

“While the Report confirmed the Government of Canada will be implementing measures to address discrimination and inequity under the registration provisions, a failure to take immediate action to remove the 1951 cut-off or address the significant and harmful effects of the Indian Act on Indigenous women and their families is troublesome,” said CEO Groulx. “Meaningful and real action is long overdue. Reconciliation with First Nations peoples, including vulnerable First Nations women and children, demands swift action —not words.”


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Please contact Lucy Juneau – Director of Communications | 343-997-3756

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Report to Parliament on the Collaborative Process on Indian Registration, Band Membership and First Nations Citizenship

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