Press Release

Nunavut Joins NWAC to have Inuit Women’s Voices Heard. The Nunavut Inuit Women’s Association is now a Provincial Territorial Member Association of NWAC

Ottawa, ON- The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is proud to welcome a new Provincial Territorial Member Association (PTMA) representing Nunavut, the Nunavut Inuit Women’s Association (NIWA). This is an important and historic step for NWAC to bring the voices of Inuit women to the national level and the first time NWAC has PTMAs in all provinces and territories.

NIWA is a voice for Inuit women who seek to advance political empowerment for Inuit women in all spheres of life. As an organization, NIWA seeks to promote Inuit women in leadership roles, address challenges limiting equity, facilitate economic empowerment, and create programs to address the intergenerational impacts of colonization and ongoing inequities.

“NWAC is excited to welcome NIWA to our Provincial Territorial Member Associations. It is through our PTMAs that we bring the voices of grassroots women to the national level. With NIWA we can empower Inuit women living in Nunavut,” said NWAC CEO Lynne Groulx.

The President of NIWA is Madeleine Redfern, an Inuk politician and the mayor of Iqaluit, Nunavut. She is a businesswoman, the first Inuk woman to be offered a clerkship at the Supreme Court of Canada, a founding member of the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health and a strong social advocate.

Along with Madeleine, NIWA board members Pamela Gross, Ningeolaa Killiktee, Mary Killiktee, Meeka Kiguktak, and Jasmine Redfern bring a diversity of knowledge, skills and lived experience, and will utilize their combined expertise to advocate for the rights of Inuit women living in Nunavut.

With this new relationship comes opportunities to strengthen our advocacy, and NWAC is eager to begin working with NIWA to bring the distinct needs and priorities of Inuit women to the national level.


For more information

Please contact: Lucy Juneau – Director of Communications | 343-997-3756

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