Press Release

NWAC Meets With National Coordination Of Indigenous Women In Colombia (CONAMIC) To Share Knowledge And Build Solidarity

Ottawa, ON- The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) met with delegates from the National Coordination of Indigenous Women in Columbia (CONAMIC) to discuss shared priorities and issues.

NWAC and CONAMIC found similarities among our Indigenous women including disproportionate rates of violence and human trafficking and difficulty reporting missing women or navigating the justice system.

NWAC emphasized the importance of international human rights mechanisms like the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) in our advocacy work both domestically and internationally and highlighted the necessity of taking a culturally relevant gender-based approach to this work.

“It is not just about Indigenous rights, we need gender based rights as well,” said Lynne Groulx, NWAC’s Executive Director.

Sharing knowledge and building solidarity among Indigenous women globally is a key tenant of NWAC’s international advocacy. NWAC and CONAMIC will work to form an alliance together to collaborate on shared issues, policy priorities, and the political empowerment of Indigenous women.

“We are forming a sisterhood of support between Indigenous women globally,” said Groulx.


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Please contact: Lucy Juneau – Director of Communications

343-997-3756 –

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