Press Release

NWAC To Attend Official Global Launch Event Of The 2019 International Year Of Indigenous Languages

Ottawa, ON— On Monday, 28 January 2019, NWAC President Francyne Joe and Executive Director Lynne Groulx are attending the official global launch event of 2019 Year of Indigenous Languages.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) co-organized the event.

This will bring together government officials, Indigenous peoples, academia, media, civil society, United Nations agencies, private sector bodies, and more, to UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. The theme for the event is:

“Indigenous languages matter for sustainable development, peace building and reconciliation.”

Indigenous languages contain our worldviews, cultures, and identities. Language revitalization is cultural revitalization. It is a crucial component of reconciliation.

Indigenous women and gender-diverse people are keepers of tradition, culture, and language. We have an important role to play in language revitalization and NWAC is delighted to have the opportunity to bring the voices of grassroots Indigenous women, girls, and gender-diverse people to this International forum.

#WeAreIndigenous and it is time our voices are heard.


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