Press Release

NWAC’s Executive Director Wins the Hope and Empowerment Award

Lynne Hope and Empowerment Award

Ottawa, ON – The Embassy of Gabon in Canada honoured Lynne Groulx, the Executive Director of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC), as one of the 20 inspiring women from around the world at the 2018 Women Who Work Gala last night. Groulx received one of the highest awards of the evening, “The Hope and Empowerment Award”.

His Excellency Mr. Sosthène Ngokila, Ambassador of Gabon to Canada, said Ms. Groulx’s efforts are creating a Canadian society in which no woman is ever afraid to walk, lose her life or chances because of her status or race and in which no woman is afraid to defend her beliefs.
“Ms. Groulx is a model of success for many, fighting for women’s rights in Canada,” said Ambassador Ngokila.
“For me, hope means having full confidence that what I want, what I really aspire for the most, will actually materialize. For me, that kind of intense focus and visioning didn’t come naturally. It was a skill that I had to learn over time,” said Groulx.
“We know that we must heal ourselves individually, before we can heal as a community or a nation and before we can really become empowered. We cannot empower others if we ourselves are not empowered.”

For more information, you can visit Women Who Work Initiative’s website.


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