Press Release

NWAC Addresses Premiers at Council of the Federation

The Native Women’s Association of Canada addressed the Premiers of Canada’s provinces today in Saint Andrews, New Brunswick. President Francyne Joe delivered a message of collaboration, inclusion and reconciliation on behalf of First Nation, Métis and Inuit women of many Nations.

For 45 years, NWAC has been advocating for the rights of Indigenous women. We remain at the forefront of human rights work in Canada and at the international level. Our focus is in the promotion of equality, human rights, education, health care, violence prevention and safety for all Indigenous women, girls, and gender diverse people. As a National Indigenous Organization with with a gender specific focus, we work to enhance the lives and well-being of Indigenous women from coast to coast to coast.

President Francyne Joe stated, “NWAC is in New Brunswick today to share with provincial leaders, the importance of Indigenous women’s self-determination as rights holders, language transmitters, mothers, grandmothers, and aunties.”

NWAC wishes to build stronger partnerships and relationships with the premiers and provinces to ensure Indigenous women are included in collaboration. President Joe added, “NWAC’s appearance at the Premiers conference has nothing to do about politics and everything to do with improving the conditions for Indigenous women, girls and gender-diverse people.”

The well-being and advancement of all Indigenous peoples rests on the strength and safety of Indigenous women, girls, and gender-diverse people. The valued inclusion of Indigenous women’s voices as an equal in all conversation and consultation will be the pathway to true reconciliation.

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