Press Release

NWAC Kicks Off The 5th Annual Aboriginal Women’s Business Entrepreneurship Network Conference In Saskatoon, SK

February 15, 2018

SASKATOON, SK - The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is pleased to announce the beginning of the 5th Annual Aboriginal Women’s Business Entrepreneurship Network (AWBEN) Conference. This year the conference takes place February 14 – 16 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with more than one hundred registered participants.

These women are examples of leadership and true entrepreneurial spirit. Participants will further enhance their knowledge and skills at this AWBEN event. Since 2012, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) have sponsored the event. AWBEN addresses the very specific and unique challenges that Aboriginal women entrepreneurs face in business. At the AWBEN conference, participants will learn, grow and network in a culturally supportive environment. Within this conference is a strong focus on sustainable initiatives driven by community leadership.

NWAC Executive Director, Lynne Groulx says, “Indigenous women in business are some of the most dedicated and passionate entrepreneurs on the planet. These women experience more hurdles than most in business. Participants this weekend will leave with overflowing business toolkits ultimately leading to even more success. NWAC welcomes this year’s Indigenous entrepreneurs and wishes each of them swift success in their individual businesses.”

This year’s AWBEN conference includes discussion panels, presentations, educational seminars and leadership relevant all levels of entrepreneurs. The content for the weekend will include business planning, idea development, social media for entrepreneurs, funding, public relations, live business pitches and more.

Please share your experience and feedback using #AWBEN2018.
Follow the success stories and get involved by visiting

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Lynne Groulx - Executive Director - 613-722-3033 X223 - 1-800-461-4043
Joël Lamoureux - Media Relations Officer - 613-722-3033 X100 - Cell 343-997-1354

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