The signing of the Accord with the Government of Canada in 2019 recognized NWAC as a full participant in decision-making processes both nationally and internationally. This Accord ensures that NWAC has a voice in addressing policy priorities that directly impact the lives and rights of Indigenous Women and 2SLGBTQQAI+ People.
The International Unit has been hard at work implementing the initiatives outlined in our workplan to develop cooperation, economic promotion, and cultural exchange activities with a focus on women’s empowerment.
As a result, our tides with the Americas are strengthening and growing!

NWAC has been participating every Saturday in virtual training sessions with the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas (ECMIA). The training in economic justice aims to analyze how the current hegemonic system functions and identify the possible paths towards economic justice. It proposes to work on defining key concepts on economic justice from the perspective of indigenous women and youth of the Americas and to outline measures to achieve economic justice.
Also, at our Social, Economic and Cultural Innovation Centre, we have been meeting with members of Global Affairs Canada, ambassadors, and Indigenous leaders from around the world to co-organize and launch special initiatives aimed at Indigenous businesses across the Americas. Meetings also represent and opportunity to educate leaders about Indigenous culture and history.
We aim to establish mechanisms of exchanges between NWAC and international organizations, multilateral organisms, embassies, and Global Affairs Canada to share experiences, programs, initiatives, and projects that promote and develop the social, economic, cultural, and political well-being of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas.

NWAC’s CEO meets with protocol officers from the International and Interparliamentary Affairs Committee of Canada to talk about our new Social, Economic and Cultural Innovation Centre.
NWAC’s CEO Lynne Groulx and the Ambassador of El Salvador, Ricardo Cisneros, talked about areas of common interest and identified activities for 2023 to promote handicrafts, textiles, accessories, and coffee from El Salvador.
Plans are also being developed to exchange knowledge and experiences among our Indigenous Peoples, as well as initiatives that promote women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship.
Our CEO met with the Ambassador of Guatemala, members of the Embassy of Mexico, and Mexican Indigenous leaders to share experiences.