Indigenous Women’s Perspectives on Adequate Housing

Jul 29, 2022
Shining The Spotlight Issue9 WEBSITE 09

Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people across Canada face long-standing challenges to accessing adequate housing options. Challenges involve the accessibility, affordability, and quality of available housing. 

With funding from the Office of the Federal Housing Advocate (which is part of the Canadian Human Rights Commission), the Executive Policy team conducted a literature review on the research that NWAC has undertaken in the areas of housing, poverty, and homelessness. From these13 previous reports, we highlighted findings and recommendations for addressing ongoing housing issues experienced by Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people.

On June 14, 2022, NWAC met with Marie-Josée Houle, Federal Housing Advocate, to discuss ongoing housing challenges experienced by Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people. During this meeting, we discussed future opportunities to work with her office to promote housing as a right in Canada.

 As an independent watchdog, the Federal Advocate and NWAC can work together to pressure the federal government to act and address Indigenous housing and homelessness issues in Canada.