Holiday Season In The Resiliency Lodge

Many Indigenous people decorate a tree at this time of year to celebrate the holidays. And, thanks to a resurgence of crafting among First Nations, Métis, and Inuit women, the holiday trees in many homes are taking on a truly Indigenous flare.

May 26, 2022

In NWAC’s Resiliency Lodge, a large tree is adorned with traditional Indigenous decorations curated by Ramona Nichols, an archeologist on NWAC’s staff who is also an Elder and traditional knowledge holder.

Not long ago, it was difficult to find Indigenous ornaments. But because so many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people are returning to traditional crafting, tree decorations that reflect their cultures can now be found in abundance.

NWAC’s Resiliency Lodge is helping to promote this resurgence through virtual arts-based workshops that engage Indigenous women, girls, and gender-diverse people across the country in a wide variety of traditional crafts.

With the resurgence of Indigenous traditional crafting, we know our tree will be filled with beautiful Indigenous decorations for many years to come.